This could be your resume in the hands of a hiring manager

Find out how to get more interviews with this course.


Yes! I need more interviews.

"If you feel like your resume needs some more refining but not sure where to start...

...Jonaed has a course that goes in-depth about optimizing your LinkedIn and your resume. The way he breaks down the information is extremely helpful. Plus, there are also sample resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn templates at the end of the course.

-Gabriella Burst, Client Relations Manager

Imagine how less frustrating you'd feel if...

You stopped getting automatic rejection emails after applying to a job and instead:


âś…Recruiters and hiring managers reached out TO YOU.


âś…You got referrals from your network because social media accelerated your job search.


âś…You got more interviews.


âś…You showed up with confidence.


All of that can become your reality with this "Get Your Dream Career" course.


I want to know exactly what to put on my resume!

Ever applied to hundreds of jobs just to get one or two interviews? 

Jonaed Iqbal, Resume Strategist  & Career Coach of Get your Dream Career course

Hey I'm Jonaed Iqbal and I've been in your shoes. I once got TWO interviews after I applied to 300+ jobs.


I know the frustration that comes along with the job search all too well. And the conflicting advice online just makes it worse.


Over the past four years, I've helped over 500 job-seekers create resumes that stand out.


Before working with me, my clients struggled to get interviews. In most cases, their resumes didn’t get past the screening ATS software (used to scan and filter OUT resumes).


After working with me, their callbacks for interviews significantly increased. Many even had recruiters reaching out to them instead.

Elliot's callbacks quadrupled within two days!

Within 2 days of making his suggested changes, I saw an immediate increase in applications to interviews (quadrupled) as well as generally more interaction with my LinkedIn.

-Elliot Pew, Senior Manager at SP+

Many of the +500 clients I've worked with got offers from companies like:

With salary increases ranging from $20,000 to $123,000.

Here are what some client results look like:

Ok I'm convinced. I need Jonaed's course!
No thanks. I want to keep struggling with conflicting resume advice across the internet.

"Doubled the amount of callbacks..."

In the first month of working with Jonaed, he doubled the amount of callbacks I received for interviews.
-Amos Pan

I love working with clients one on one. But I'm just one person.

I can't help everyone optimize their job search.

BUT, I can

teach everyone what I know

through this course.

In this Get Your Dream Career course you'll find out how to:

✔️Create a resume that gets past the screening and filtering ATS software

✔️Market and position yourself as the most desirable candidate

✔️Get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers


But that's not all. You'll also discover how to:


✔️Show up to interviews with confidence

✔️Make a good first impression on job interviews

✔️ Talk about your expertise in a clear and concise manner (that doesn't water-down your essence)

10 easy-to-understand, self-paced modules.

Sign me up! I'm ready for more interviews!
No thanks. I’m good with not getting called back.

"I got an ideal job within a month."


Jonaed helped me in ways I didn't know I needed. Cleaned up my resume and Linkedin, gave clear advice, and I got an ideal job within the month. A recruiter actually reached out to me because my profile/experience was set up so well. Learned it all from Jonaed. 10/10 recommend.

-Max Resnick, Content QA Associate at Tubi

So what makes this course different?

1. Job Search Strategy

In addition to getting resume best-practices, you’ll also get up-to-date job search strategies. How do I keep up to date? To give my clients the best possible service, I stay current on all the latest job search strategies.

2. An Inside look at what recruiters look for

Besides the fact that I network with a lot of recruiters, I also worked at a recruiting agency. So I learned firsthand what attracts the attention of recruiters.

3. LinkedIn Strategy From a Power User


I’ve been active on LinkedIn since 2019. As of October 2022, I’ve gotten a total of +25M post impressions and consistently get +200 likes. On average I get 2,000 - 4,000 profile visits per month.

Now I’m not saying you’ll get these stats in 3 months.

What I am saying is that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to using LinkedIn to grow your network and leveraging it to increase your visibility to recruiters and hiring managers.

No more spending hours on the internet trying to figure out how to format your resume. 


Increase your callbacks with a resume that:

  • Stands out. Because getting your resume past the screening and filtering software is one aspect. You also need to attract the attention of recruiters and hiring managers and get more interviews.
  • Highlights your success. Because you are more than your job description. 
  • Emphasizes your core strengths. Because soft skills are key to being eternally valuable to any employer.

For just


Create a resume that:

  • Attract the attention of recruiters and hiring managers
  • Get past the ATS filtering and scanning software
  • Highlight your success
  • Get more interviews
  • Stand out

Early bird special: Save $50


If you're among the first 100 people to sign up, just pay $147.

Say goodbye to rejection. Say hello to more interviews.
Get one step closer to your dream job when you sign up.
I'm ready for more interviews! Sign me up!
No thanks. I don't need more interviews.

Jonaed's resume help and guidance was crucial when applying to my...position at Microsoft!

Addy Adewusi, Product Manager @Google & Former  Microsoft Product Manager

Got questions?

Here are some answers.

But wait...


How can you know that I'm not just another internet "guru" that's selling a bogus course?

Want to see how I helped other jobseekers like you?

Applying to job after job without getting called back is discouraging.


Avoid the frustration of the grueling job-seeking journey.

Increase your callbacks.

For just


Your resume will:

  • Attract the attention of recruiters and hiring managers
  • Get past the ATS filtering and scanning software
  • Highlight your success
  • Get more interviews
  • Stand out

Early bird special: Save $50


If you're among the first 100 people to sign up, just pay $147.

Say goodbye to rejection. Say hello to more interviews.
Get one step closer to your dream job when you sign up.
I'm ready for more interviews! Sign me up!

No thanks. I'm ok with my frustrating job search.